Data Grid

API reference for Material Extensions Data Grid

import { MtxGridModule } from '@ng-matero/extensions/data-grid';



Selector: [mtx-grid]

Exported as: mtxGrid





@Input() columns: MtxGridColumn[]

The grid columns defination.

@Input() data: any[]

The grid data source.

@Input() length: number

The length of the total number of data. Defaulted to 0.

@Input() loading: boolean

Whether the table loading is ended. Defaulted to false.

@Input() trackBy: TrackByFunction<any>

Tracking function that will be used to check the differences in data changes.

@Input() columnResizable: boolean

Whether the column can be resized. Defaulted to false.




@Input() pageOnFront: boolean

Whether paging the data just on front end. Defaulted to true.

@Input() showPaginator: boolean

Whether show the paginator. Defaulted to true.

@Input() pageDisabled: boolean

Whether the paginator is disabled. Defaulted to false.

@Input() showFirstLastButtons: boolean

Whether to show the first/last buttons UI to the user. Defaulted to true.

@Input() pageIndex: number

The zero-based page index of the displayed list of items. Defaulted to 0.

@Input() pageSize: number

Number of items to display on a page. By default set to 10.

@Input() pageSizeOptions: number[]

The set of provided page size options to display to the user. By default set to [10, 50, 100]

@Input() hidePageSize: boolean

Whether hide the pagesize. Defaulted to false.

@Output() page: EventEmitter<PageEvent>

Event emitted when the paginator changes the page size or page index.

@Input() paginationTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

The pagination template.




@Input() sortOnFront: boolean

Whether sort data just on front end. Defaulted to true.

@Input() sortActive: string

The id of the most recently sorted MatSortable.

@Input() sortDirection: SortDirection

The sort direction of the currently active MatSortable.

@Input() sortDisableClear: boolean

Whether to disable the user from clearing the sort by finishing the sort direction cycle. May be overriden by the column's disable clear definition. Defaulted to false.

@Input() sortDisabled: boolean

Whether the grid sort is disabled. Defaulted to false.

@Input() sortStart: 'asc' \| 'desc'

The direction to set when an MatSortable is initially sorted. May be overriden by the column's sort definition. Defaulted to asc.

@Output() sortChange: EventEmitter<sort>

Event emitted when the user changes either the active sort or sort direction.




@Input() expandable: boolean

Whether the row can be expanded. Defaulted to false.

@Input() expansionTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

The template of expandable row.

@Output() expansionChange: EventEmitter<any>

Event emitted when the user toggle the expandable row.




@Input() multiSelectable: boolean

Whether the user can selecte multiple row or cell. Defaulted to true.

@Input() rowSelectable: boolean

Whether the row can be selectable. Defaulted to false.

@Input() rowSelected: any[]

The row selected items default. Defaulted to [].

@Input() hideRowSelectionCheckbox: boolean

Whether hide the row selection checkbox. Defaulted to false.

@Input() rowSelectionFormatter: MtxGridRowSelectionFormatter

The row selection formatter to set disabled and checkbox hiding.

@Output()rowClassFormatter: MtxGridRowClassFormatter

The row class formatter to set class.

@Output()rowSelectionChange: EventEmitter<any>

Event emitted when the row be selected.

@Input() cellSelectable: boolean

Whether the cell can be selectable. Defaulted to true.

@Output() cellSelectionChange: EventEmitter<any>

Event emitted when the cell be selected.




@Input() showToolbar: boolean

Whether show the grid toolbar. Defaulted to false.

@Input() toolbarTitle: string

The toolbar title. Defaulted to ''.

@Input() toolbarTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

The toolbar template.

Column menu



@Input() columnHideable: boolean

Whether the column can be hiding. Defaulted to true.

@Input() columnHideableChecked: 'show' \| 'hide'

Hide or show when column hiding checkbox be checked. Defaulted to 'show'.

@Input() columnMovable: boolean

Whether the column can be moving. Defaulted to true.

@Input() columnPinnable: boolean

Whether the column can be fixed. Defaulted to true.

@Output() columnChange: EventEmitter<string[]>

Event emitted when the column be hided or be resorted.

@Input() showColumnMenuHeader: boolean

Whether show header of column menu. Defaulted to false.

@Input() columnMenuHeaderText: string

The header text of column menu. Defaulted to 'Columns Header'

@Input() columnMenuHeaderTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

The header template of column menu.

@Input() showColumnMenuFooter: boolean

Whether show footer of column menu. Defaulted to false

@Input() columnMenuFooterText: string

The header text of column menu. Defaulted to 'Columns Footer'

@Input() columnMenuFooterTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

The footer template of column menu.

@Input() showColumnMenuButton: boolean

Whether show column menu button. Defaulted to true.

@Input() columnMenuButtonText: string

The column menu button text. Defaulted to ''.

@Input() columnMenuButtonType: 'raised' \| 'stroked' \| 'flat' \| 'icon' \| 'fab' \| 'mini-fab' \| ''

The column menu button type. Defaulted to 'stroked'.

@Input() columnMenuButtonColor: string

The column menu button color. Defaulted to ''.

@Input() columnMenuButtonClass: string

The column menu button class. Defaulted to ''.

@Input() columnMenuButtonIcon: string

The column menu button icon. Defaulted to ''.




@Input() rowHover: boolean

Whether use hover style. Defaulted to false

@Input() rowStriped: boolean

Whether use striped style. Defaulted to false

@Output() rowClick: EventEmitter<any>;

Row click event.




@Input() headerTemplate: TemplateRef<any> \| MtxGridCellTemplate

The grid header cell template.

@Input() headerExtraTemplate: TemplateRef<any> \| MtxGridCellTemplate

The grid header cell template exclude sort.

@Input() cellTemplate: TemplateRef<any> \| MtxGridCellTemplate

The grid body cell template.




@Input() showSummary: boolean

Whether show summary. Defaulted to false

@Input() summaryTemplate: TemplateRef<any> \| MtxGridCellTemplate

The summary template.

No result



@Input() noResultText: string

The no result text. Defaulted to 'No records found'.

@Input() noResultTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

The no result template.




@Input() showSidebar: boolean

Whether show sidebar. Defaulted to false

@Input() sidebarTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

The sidebar template.

Status bar



@Input() showStatusbar: boolean

Whether show status bar. Defaulted to false

@Input() statusbarTemplate: TemplateRef<any>

The status bar template.



export interface MtxGridColumn {
  field: string;
  header?: string;
  hide?: boolean;
  disabled?: boolean;
  pinned?: 'left' | 'right';
  left?: string;
  right?: string;
  width?: string;
  resizable?: boolean;
  sortable?: boolean | string;
  sortProp?: MtxGridColumnSortProp;
  type?: MtxGridColumnType;
  typeParameter?: MtxGridColumnTypeParameter;
  tag?: MtxGridColumnTag;
  buttons?: MtxGridColumnButton[];
  formatter?: (rowData: any, colDef?: MtxGridColumn) => void;
  cellTemplate?: TemplateRef<any> | null;
  showExpand?: boolean;
  description?: string;
  summary?: ((colData: any, colDef?: MtxGridColumn) => void) | string;

Column Type

export declare type MtxGridColumnType =
  | 'tag'
  | 'button'
  | 'link'
  | 'image'
  | 'boolean'
  | 'number'
  | 'currency'
  | 'percent'
  | 'date';

Column Type Parameter

export interface MtxGridColumnTypeParameter {
  currencyCode?: string;
  display?: string | boolean;
  digitsInfo?: string;
  format?: string;
  locale?: string;
  timezone?: string;

Column Sort Properties

export interface MtxGridColumnSortProp {
  arrowPosition?: 'before' | 'after';
  disableClear?: boolean;
  id?: string;
  start?: 'asc' | 'desc';

Column Button

export interface MtxGridColumnButton {
  type?: 'basic' | 'icon';
  text?: string | Observable<string>;
  icon?: string;
  color?: 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn';
  class?: string;
  click?: (record: any) => void;
  pop?: boolean;
  popTitle?: string | Observable<string>;
  popDescription?: string | Observable<string>;
  popOkColor?: '' | 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn';
  popOkText?: string | Observable<string>;
  popCloseColor?: '' | 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn';
  popCloseText?: string | Observable<string>;
  children?: MtxGridColumnButton[];
  iif?: (record: any) => boolean;
  tooltip?: string | Observable<string>;
  disabled?: boolean;

Column Tag

export interface MtxGridColumnTag {

export interface MtxGridColumnTagValue {
  text?: string;
  color?: string;

Row Selection Formatter

export interface MtxGridRowSelectionFormatter {
  disabled?: (rowData: any) => boolean;
  hideCheckbox?: (rowData: any) => boolean;

Row class formatter

export interface MtxGridRowClassFormatter {
  [className: string]: (rowData: any, index?: number) => boolean;

Last updated

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